About Me!

Vark/B1rdie; he/they/ix/en/bit/bug/mud; not a minor; aroace transmasc; white;

hi!! i'm vark, but lots of people also call me b1rdie, either way is fine!! i'm an artist, a biologist, a goth, a reptile-keeper, an animistic satanist, a writer, a trans man, and an overall agent of tomfuckery. i'm starting this site during my top surgery recovery process to give me something to do, and hopefully i'll be able to keep it at least mostly updated as time passes.

i'm very new to neocities, but i'm a massive fan of the philosophy behind putting the internet back in the hands of the people! as much as it will be just a fun silly space for me to play in, i'm also really looking forward to exploring neocities as a platform for sharing information and resources!!

i love art of all kinds but some of the mediums you'll probably see me post most about here are ceramics/sculpture, collage, linocut printing, and basket weaving. i'm also a relatively beginner fiber artist working with knitting and crochet!

since i'll probably also use this site as a space to occassionally chat about spiritual stuff, i'll go ahead and clarify that here too! i consider myself an animistic satanist. Breaking that down, i identify with animism (meaning i feel that most if not all things are in some way alive and connected to one another) and with satanism (not with either of the major satanist sects, since i find them both to be fairly sketchy, but the general concept for me is a symbolic representation of 'satan' as living freely and pursuing knowledge). That's a pretty basic overview, but like i said i'm sure i'll end up talking about it more here anyways.

if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to talk, i'm putting my contact info in the sidebar, just let me know where you found me at and comment away! i promise if i'm adding something to this site it's because i care a lot about it and i would love to talk to someone about it!!